Introductory video
7-click analysis
revision: 0.1 date: 6/13/2022
The quickest path to interactive gating with one of the available image volumes. This sketch walks through just 7 clicks to load, segment and generate scatter-plots of cell features that can be gated and visualized in the original image volumes. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading, Segmentation, Visualization |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Importing object file (.obx) and image file for further analysis
Drafting release…
revision: Coming soon. date: TBD
This sketch demonstrates how to load and contiune to analyze an existing VTEA dataset. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading, Data Sharing |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Refining image processing
revision: 0.1 date: 6/14/2022
This sketch demonstrates the use and application of image processing built into VTEA. The VTEA uses existing approached in ImageJ/FIJI and other ImageJ plugins. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading, Image Processing, Segmentation |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Testing segmentation
Drafting release…
revision: Coming soon. date: TBD
This sketch demonstrates how to preview the effect of parameter selection and image pre-processing on segmentation. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading, Image Processing, Segmentation |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Importing segmentation
Drafting release…
revision: Coming soon. date: TBD
Place image here |
This sketch shows how to import a segmentation performed outside of VTEA, such as Cellpose, etc. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading, Image Processing, Segmentation |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Supervised gating, visualization and labeling
Drafting new release…
revision: 0.1 date: 4/30/2022
This sketch introduces flow cytometry-like gating and subgating and image regions-of-interest gating and visualization on the original image volume followed by manual cell instance labeling with these gates. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | Loading Datasets, Gating, Visualization, Classification |
Time | <5 min |
Image | Kidney_Cortex_Human.tif
Unsupervised classification and visualization
Planned release…
revision: TBD date: TBD
Place image here |
Fill this text in. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | XXXXXXXXXX |
Time | <X min |
Image | XXXXXXXXXX.tif |
Neighborhood generation and analysis
Planned release…
revision: TBD date: TBD
Place image here |
Fill this text in. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | XXXXXXXXXX |
Time | <X min |
Image | XXXXXXXXXX.tif |
Sharing results and outputs
Planned release…
revision: TBD date: TBD
Place image here |
Fill this text in. |
Level | Introductory |
Functionality | XXXXXXXXXX |
Time | <X min |
Image | XXXXXXXXXX.tif |